You know you are a bellydancer when....

Farasha Hanem

New member
I'm such a girly-girl, I love pink! :D

You know you are a bellydancer when you bling out your phone (in my case, with PINK blings!)! :D


You know you are a bellydancer when you start thinking about costumes when walking in the forest just after a heavy shower looking at all those shiny leaves...


I didn't have any purple eyeshadow and very little $$$$ so I went out to "Wally world" the night before. ( I should have kept my $$$ in my pocket! It was barely noticeable and not as glittery as I had hoped.
For advice on shopping at 'Wally World' consult my lovely sister Farasha Hanem. ;)


You know you are an enthusiastic belly dancer fan, when you consider all the ladies in the forum as your sisters. ;)


So would you like to explain to your sisters just where in the heck you've been and why you didn't bother to call Mom and let her know you were okay? You KNOW how she gets. :naghty:


Super Moderator
...when someone moves into your building and puts up a name-sign that says "Veilmark" and you think "Allright! Veil is cool!"


New member
...when you daughter texts you from London saying "I'm at Stomp right now and the theater is playing balady. I'm so stoked and this text is worth the 25 cents. Also, do you want a camel scarf?"


New member
...when you realise you have started absent-mindedly drumming a 10/8 Samai on your chair whilst in a meeting at work.


New member
..when you are in an academic conference irrelevant to art, and you create at the simulation game workshop a dance studio. At the end you exchange emails with the salsa teacher because you have decided to keep in touch and make the simulation partnership a real thing in the future. THe other guys at the workshop just think your cooperative dance studio is a fancy joke. THen, you go to the gala dinner and you make friends with the traditional Indonesian and Barata Natyam dancers of the evening. At the end, you take part in an workshop concerning alternative financing of artists and the artist-facilitator of the workshop really loves that you know what art business is, then you make friends with her too...


New member
My goodness! i have received a rep for this, but i cannot even see who gave rep to me! i tried the user CP but it only shows the post, not the person who repped me!

THank you anyway! if someone can help with this technicality, that would be awesome...


New member
... during your first week in Egypt you need to go and buy some essentials, like washing powder... It takes you several shopping trips, each of which results in buying another Egyptian beauty product... What I still don't have though is washing powder :lol:


New member
Daimona, i have tried to see it through settings

but i have not found any way for this. i can see the names of the people whom i have given a rep, but the names of the people who gave me a rep are not visible.

Thanks anyway - and thanks to the person who repped me!


New member
You know you're a belly dancer when you get up at 5:15am to get ready for an out of town festival performance and by 6am you have on a wig, false eyelashes, full stage make up, jewelry, a body stocking and the top half of your costume. Adrenaline is already kicking in and you don't feel like eating breakfast.


"The Veiled Male"
You know you're a belly dancer when you get up at 5:15am to get ready for an out of town festival performance and by 6am you have on a wig, false eyelashes, full stage make up, jewelry, a body stocking and the top half of your costume. Adrenaline is already kicking in and you don't feel like eating breakfast.
My only problem with this scenario is that I really have a hard time feeling glamorous at such an unholy hour!