Most Infuriating Youtube Arguments.


New member
Share your belly dance related youtube arguments that made you face palm.

Most recently I'm dealing with Mr. "Egyptians are the only good dancers, and westerners are too stupid to appreciate the dance. He also used Sadie as the poster child for western dance."

Its like, ok, go fornicate yourself with a Brillo pad. We aren't just dumb Americans with no respect for culture. Nor do we all love, and dance like Sadie. Not to mention all the other wonderful dancers all around the world. He may see Dina as the queen of belly dance, but I bet when it comes to tribal, or other styles of BD she's not as good. That's another thing, no one dancer is best because most dancers aren't masters of every style out there.


New member
Reading Youtube comments is the internet equivalent of sticking your hand in a bucket of cockroaches. It may not actually harm you, but it's unpleasant and it certainly won't do you any good.

Don't poke the stupid!


New member
He may see Dina as the queen of belly dance, but I bet when it comes to tribal, or other styles of BD she's not as good.
I'd be extremely surprised if Dina even considers tribal to be belly dance. Certainly I've yet to meet an Egyptian who sees any connection between it and what they think of as belly dance let alone raqs sharqi or raqs beledi.

Janene Aliza

New member
Reading Youtube comments is the internet equivalent of sticking your hand in a bucket of cockroaches. It may not actually harm you, but it's unpleasant and it certainly won't do you any good.

Don't poke the stupid!

I will remember your analogy next time I am tempted to read YouTube comments (I almost always regret it anytime I do read them !!)


New member
Reading Youtube comments is the internet equivalent of sticking your hand in a bucket of cockroaches. It may not actually harm you, but it's unpleasant and it certainly won't do you any good.

Don't poke the stupid!

So true, and I try to avoid even reading them, but then I do and the ignorance just grinds my gears. lol


Better to turn the comment section off, there are so many nutters out there who are just on there to put people down.


I've found that having comments enabled but only going live on review keeps the nutters from posting. They want to have their trash out there now, it's no fun if they don't get noticed by anyone.


New member
its a bad addiction for me - i'm drawn to it but then i hate what i see, lol.

Ugh, I'm the same way. Then no matter how many times I say "just walk away, there's no cure for stupid" I still comment again.

Also, said idiot kept saying I removed a BD video from my page even though I never made one. My camera is broken for shit's sake. It was a hello to some friends, nothing to do with BD, and I deleted it weeks ago. :rolleyes:

Then I guess if you disagree with that guy you must be fat. While Dina is a curvier girl herself, as are many talented dancers, so how would that reflect my ability to dance? Hell, I wouldn't mind having more boobs o shimmy with lol.


New member
Share your belly dance related youtube arguments that made you face palm.

Most recently I'm dealing with Mr. "Egyptians are the only good dancers, and westerners are too stupid to appreciate the dance. He also used Sadie as the poster child for western dance."

Its like, ok, go fornicate yourself with a Brillo pad. We aren't just dumb Americans with no respect for culture. Nor do we all love, and dance like Sadie. Not to mention all the other wonderful dancers all around the world. He may see Dina as the queen of belly dance, but I bet when it comes to tribal, or other styles of BD she's not as good. That's another thing, no one dancer is best because most dancers aren't masters of every style out there.

LOL I've now interesting images in my head dealing with Brillo pads.

Most people who like to cause greif either have no life and thus need to cause drama in order to make their existence interesting, or they're bad dancers who choose to make themselves feel better by invalidating other, better, more talented dancers instead of doing the hard thing and training to improve their own skills. And unfortunately they all have internet access and you-tube accounts.

It is kinda a guilty pleasure of mine, too, though ;) The comments get more desperate and ridiculous the better the dancer in the video is.


New member
Ugh, I'm the same way. Then no matter how many times I say "just walk away, there's no cure for stupid" I still comment again.

Also, said idiot kept saying I removed a BD video from my page even though I never made one. My camera is broken for shit's sake. It was a hello to some friends, nothing to do with BD, and I deleted it weeks ago. :rolleyes:

Then I guess if you disagree with that guy you must be fat. While Dina is a curvier girl herself, as are many talented dancers, so how would that reflect my ability to dance? Hell, I wouldn't mind having more boobs o shimmy with lol.

and don't forget the super die-hard sadie fans. and its soo funny how many ppl comment and say a lot of bd dancers are fat - such as asharah, one time cassandra fox of canada (she does bd/carribean fusion - yes i'm a huge fan, lol) and even dina.

I will admit, before kidz, i was a bit of curvier bd dancer than that. smallish breasts but enough to shimmy but it is houglass shaped and stuff.

yeah i almost got booed off stage once because this old down syndrome guy tried to get me off stage to give my dance instructor flowers,

yeah . . . not one of my more positive belly dance moments. lol.

Sophia Maria

New member
Reading Youtube comments is the internet equivalent of sticking your hand in a bucket of cockroaches. It may not actually harm you, but it's unpleasant and it certainly won't do you any good.

Don't poke the stupid!

Lol, I know the internet is a never-ending supply of trolls, but when it comes to bellydance I can't prevent myself from feeding the trolls! I almost always have a "Oh no you did NOT just say that!" reaction with stupid comments about bellydance. I always think about my responses carefully to make sure I never end up in a pointless swearing match, but I can't keep myself from responding.

I think my last pointless youtube argument was on that video of Sophie the bellydancer on Britain's Got Talent. I think I got into an argument with some horny guys while I was critiquing her lack of technique lol


New member
too funny. i actually thought about commenting. didn't see too much. i thought she was like a beginner level. bit oh well, lol.


New member
Reading Youtube comments is the internet equivalent of sticking your hand in a bucket of cockroaches. It may not actually harm you, but it's unpleasant and it certainly won't do you any good.

Don't poke the stupid!

"Don't poke the stupid"

This is a good thing to remember in general..ignorance is around every corner..not just on the net.

Farasha Hanem

New member
and don't forget the super die-hard sadie fans. and its soo funny how many ppl comment and say a lot of bd dancers are fat - such as asharah, one time cassandra fox of canada (she does bd/carribean fusion - yes i'm a huge fan, lol) and even dina.

I will admit, before kidz, i was a bit of curvier bd dancer than that. smallish breasts but enough to shimmy but it is houglass shaped and stuff.

yeah i almost got booed off stage once because this old down syndrome guy tried to get me off stage to give my dance instructor flowers,

yeah . . . not one of my more positive belly dance moments. lol.

I love Cassandra, too! :D She's not only a talented dancer, she's an all-around lovely lady and friend. :)

Tarik Sultan

New member
I never knew how many useless people just taking up space on this planet there were till I started talking to people on youtube!:rolleyes:

At first, you engage them because you think logical respectful discussion will expand some minds, but then I realised no. If someone makes a stupid disrespectful comment, it means they are already set in their minds. It has nothing to do with truth, accuracy or anything else. No matter what evidence you give, they will bend the laws of space and time to conform to their view. Case in point, I got chewed out by some Egyptian guy over my video that men in Egypt do't dance that way, he knows he's Egyptian yatta, yatta, yatta. So I showed him all the videos I made of ordinary Egyptian guys dancing socially in Egypt. His reply to the evidence, this is a new thing and I paid those guys to dance that way to support my sick agenda!:doh: And that's only dance. Hate to tell you what happened with other topics! Lots of stupid people out there and you can't change it. Yes, I know, you want to do your part to reach minds, create mutual respect and understanding. These people are a waste of your time and energy. Watch the videos you like, be inspired by hem, learn from them and most of all, get off the computer and dance!:dance:


New member
You Tube and newspaper article comments grate on my nerves too...even though I am one who reads them in the same manner one looks at gruesome scenes sometimes.

The worst one I've seen lately wasn't belly was on newspaper web pages over former Congressman Anthony Weiner...and the ones that really got to me were from some little crowd of trolls who kept calling his wife a terrorist just because she's of Pakistani and Iranian descent, making anti-Jewish remarks about him. It was clear these people didn't even read the article...they just saw a Middle Eastern person and a Jewish person and decide to spout their "brilliant" (sarcasm) commentary. There were even posts like this when their baby was born.

That one was the worst I saw lately...but I have noticed equally nasty comments under belly dance videos. I apply the "consider the source" test to things like these. First of all...I disregard anything that contains any type of racial slur about anyone. If that's their mentality, I don't care to delve into their little thought processes. I also immediately disregard the commentary of anyone who insists upon posting "He or she is ugly" or "He or she is fat" as a response. Beauty is subjective...and everyone has the right to think some people are attractive and some are not. There is nothing wrong with that. There IS however...something more than a little wrong with you if you go around making sure people know it when you find them unattractive. That's not anything but spiteful, cruel behavior.


New member
On the horny guys and technique mention a few above me...

...I see what you mean!

OK...I know a lot of men find bellydancing sexy. I do not have a problem with that. I find it sexy too. That said...somebody thinking you're sexy is nice...but it does not make up for or excuse not even bothering to learn how to dance. (and I mean this for all other types of dance too..I know a lot of women find men who dance ballet sexy...but any guy who puts on some tights in front of a woman who thinks he's hot is not Baryshnikov)

This morning I came across this woman on YouTube who bragged that she has only been studying belly dance for four days..just watched a few youtube how to videos...and she "put this together"...meaning choreographed what she thought was a really good belly dance performance that only needed smoothed out a bit.

She's very full figured...and her comments were all positive...from a bunch of men who are attracted to full figures and told her how hot she looked.

I didn't bother arguing...but whatever you think of her appearance and figure...her behavior looked absolutey silly...because it was really obvious she was not even taking what she was doing seriously and not even trying to learn.

I know with all the fusion...and different artists...people argue about what is and is not belly dance. But I think anyone can agree...watching you tube videos for four days then standing up...pointing your boobs at the camera and swinging your arms not it.

Sorry I sound mean. It just got on my nerves. If she wants to show off her figure for the men who like the "BBW" type...great...more power to's her body and her youtube channel and her right to do what she wants. But what irritates me is that she a) called it belly dance when it wasnt even dancing at all and b) took a tone like belly dance is so easy...anyone can just see it for four days...try it a couple times...and then be an expert. I wish she would have just posed "boudoir photo style" if all she wanted to do was get compliments on her figure.

Sophia Maria

New member
...dancing at all and b) took a tone like belly dance is so easy...anyone can just see it for four days...try it a couple times...and then be an expert. I wish she would have just posed "boudoir photo style" if all she wanted to do was get compliments on her figure.

I agree completely. It's very frustrating to have people, not only on youtube, but also in general, dismiss bellydance as easy. It ain't!! I've been studying for nearly 3 years and I still often feel like a pitiful newbie! People (usually stuck up) say the same things about hip hop, too. Maybe they see a lack of ballet-like technique in hip hop and think "well, anyone can move their hips around".

Also, it is infuriating to make a comment about that on youtube, telling someone to get a little more experience and technique before claiming to know bellydance, and then getting responses :naghty: calling you stuck up or prudish and whatnot.