Lotus Dancer
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  • hello Lotus. its not really any meaning of name Shihan but there is name Jahan that it means Warld in persian. how are you doing,well i was dancing for about 15 years all about the world. but now im stage costumes designer.i making dresses for the new dansers for Toros agancy in Lebanon. I think you know the same Amira. shi has Amiras shop. and i us to see on the enet but now i cant find her if you will talk to her please give her my emeil.shahraman45@yahoo.com thank you kisses shahraman
    Hi Lotus Dancer, thanks for the friends request, would love to be your pal! So you 're from Australia? I've heard that there is a really big MED scene over there with lots of fabulous dancers and teachers? I had a look at your photos and your wee girls are lovely ( and I'm sure great future dancers). I have a huge big 13 year old son who isn't the slightest bit interested in the dance ( not surprising really) but he did come to classes and performances with me when he was small so I'm hoping that some influence got in there somehow. Anyway hope your are all happy and well.
    Daisywitch X
    Thank you. This is a photo of my oldest, Evie. She is now 4 and loves to dance! My one year old loves to dance too but I don't yet trust her not to eat my hipscarves so I don't bring them out when shes around. ;) Evie is now taking the more traditional Ballet, Tap and tumbling but she often tries to instruct her teacher how to do proper snake arms. It's so darn cute!
    Hello dear.thank you for you message. its nice to have friends like you.you are from Australia,i was just wondering if you know belly dancer Amira we where working for the same agency.in Lebanon.im sorry what did you ask me last time the meaning of the what name? Im sorry I removed you messsage by mistake. kisses Shahraman
    You have such beautiful outfits! do you teach? How long have you been learning from?

    I was in Australia this Feb, stayed on until May. It was the best and longest holiday of my life! Didn't travel all that much though, i was on a tight budget - was in Sydney Melbourne, drove down to the Goldcoast stayed at Coffs harbour for a bit. Visited The Entrance and ... yeah that about it :)

    Where in Australia are you from?
    Hi gorgeous!

    How have you been?

    I'll post a picture of my costume here when it's done. Hope it won't be included in UBDC, hahaha! Your peacock skirt is really elegant and attractive.

    About those pants in my picture, I got those in a shop here in my city. Got 2 types of those India-made pants though, so cute!

    Yes, I'm a special needs teacher and I love it! Not one ounce of regret for shifting professions late in life :D

    I bet your beginner students enjoyed your classes, being the very inspiring and talented teacher that you are with a marvelous personality! Hope you can post photos of your classes there.

    Can't wait to know more about Rachel Brice and Zoe's visits there. I'll be in NZ before November this year so I'll be nearer, yipeeee!

    Take care, girl!

    Hi Lotus,
    Somehow I missed your post until just now!
    Thanks for your kind compliments.
    Designing a website is actually getting easier and easier these days with lots of really user-friendly programmes out there. Frontpage is a simple Microsoft one, and there's also a Mac one that I think comes with Macs that can make some lovely webpages.
    You do have to do a bit of learning (especially once you've designed your webpage and then need to find out how to actually get it on the internet!), but it's a good skill to know!
    Where are you based in Oz? I love Australia and am planning on living there within a year if all goes according to plan!
    Hey girl, you look gorgeous in your new photos here! I love that peacock skirt you have in your Nik's Green Tavern album, even if I have a phobia of feathers and feathered animals, yikes!!! The first ever bd costume I'm having made is peacock inspired too. I hope I don't have nightmares, hahaha! How are you doing and when is Rachel Brice visiting Oz?
    Hey, you HAVE to take some pics and send them to me! I just LOVE the big cats! Hope you have a fabulous time and I want to hear all about it when you get home!
    Hi Lotus dancer, Sorry for the slow reply to your message about the Kismet weekend. I haven't made up my mind if I am going or not. My instructor is and maybe dancing there, so I may go.

    I haven't been dancing much. Winter is very quiet, everyone seems to go into hibernation mode around here, I know I do:D I long for summer every year the minute the first bite of winter enters. It is definitely not a season I like at all!
    Sounds like fun! Once I finish getting settled here, traveling to do workshops IS part of my plan. Since I used to dance with Suhaila and studied with Rachel Brice, I've got a lot of experience to share, plus just 30 years of dancing!
    Sydney sounds like fun - rock on! :)

    "If ever you want to come to Aus, give us a yell.
    Come and do some w/shops here if you want. I've been running w/shops for visiting teachers for the last few years, and they rock. The girls just clean up.
    It could pay for your holiday."

    Likewise - if you end up here, there are TONS of dance things to do in this area and the CA dance scene is just an hour's flight away too.
    If I ever get to Aussieland, I want to go to Tiger Island - I just LOVE big cats. I used to work at Lion Country Safari where they had tons of big cats, and I miss that.
    Talk to you soon!
    Hi Lotus,
    Gee, your photo's not too shabby either!! Hey, if you get to the US, you can even stay with me and do some private classes here at my home studio - how's that for a deal? :)
    I'm up for making dance friends whether local or around the world. One of my best friends lives in Cairo, so that's just the way life is.
    I'm in La Center, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest part of the US.
    And, yes, my pic just about says it all - I'm just a flaming dancing girl! LOL.

    Hi Lotus, thank you!!
    I'm already enjoying a lot, It's great to be able to get so much information!
    Here in Brazil, specially in Amazon, it's quite difficult to have info about bellydance, the main way to get this is through internet!! Even music and video is had to find here, so we are really pleased there are places like this to share information and opinions!
    hi there Lotus Dancer!. ^___^
    wow.. your friendly.. ^_^.. first friend.. ^_^.. much appreciated. ^_^
    im from the philippines.. ^__^
    and thanks.. ^__^
    By the way what style do you dance,,, Seems to me it is tribal fusion but i dont want to pressume maybe you are an open dancer and do multiple forms such as myself. But which is your area of exper.
    Thank you Lotus for all the information and thank you for the lil comment on my pic i love veils, I play with them often lol. Most do not like the face veil as it is the reverse of what the veil is ment for in islamic beliefe , but for me it adds seductive mystery if done correctly and removed correctly in a performance. But thank you and i definatly was thinking about doing something to that effect , But getting it started i wasnt so sure about. Im not fimiliar with these kinds of business moves so maybe A LIL MORE INFO IS ALL I REALLY NEED.
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