No classes in town for the first time since 2000.


One of my former students came to a program I did at the museum on Wednesday. I asked how belly dance classes were going and she said they weren't: she and another student arrived, waited around for fifteen minutes before going to the desk and discovering classes had been cancelled. No explanation. No notification. Their fees were refunded. One of the other teachers (non-BD teacher but also a former student) apologized to them, saying she'd been asked to call them but had forgotten.

Bummer. :confused: Now I'm all curious and stuff, but I'm too polite to be truly nosy and track down someone who will know what happened.


I suspect either there were not enough people signed up to hold the class or there was no one to teach. The fall teacher has had some things going on in her regular career that might preclude enough time to teach. Anyway, it's kinda sad after keeping it going for so long. The student I spoke with told me the starting time had been moved back which might've had an effect on enrollment since people would be getting home so late.


Yeah, I feel a little broken-hearted about it. Such a good bunch of dancers who've been together for so long. Well, maybe the spring teacher will have a class.