Hannan, Egyptian beauty!


New member
I found this video on YouTube. Hannan, an Egyptian bellydancer from the 70's. I would love to know more about her for a project that I am currently working on. If any of you have or could point me in the right direction to find out more information about her, I will be grateful! Thank you!



You might check shira.net. Judging by the announcement for 2018 classes, it would appear she isn't keeping the site up, but even so, it is a wonderland of information including information on the history of belly dance. Welcome, by the way.


Active member
Well, that was like trying to work a jigsaw puzzle with half of the pieces missing in dim light with no idea what it was a picture of...

I wasn't able to find Hanan's full name and a first name alone wasn't enough to go on, but I managed to eventually find this from CaroVan Video & description at link, and that led to a meager page at elcinema https://elcinema.com/en/person/1998249/.

I wish I could have found a bio for her. I suspect she had some sort of extensive training, since she dances so high on the balls of her feet. Maybe Kawmeyya or Reda?

If you're looking for more clips, you may have better luck searching on حنان (her name) or her name with راقصة مصرية (Egyptian dancer), since there are other performers with that name, and there's no consensus on whether the name is spelled "Hanan" or "Hannan" in English. Pickings are slim, though. HTH...