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  • thanks for the add it's honor for me
    yep we met and u bought some stuff from
    u are welcome always
    have great time on the lovely belly dance forum
    I don't want to leave and I most probably won't, though I do feel upset reading some of the responds regarding what I said to Mya in my profile...
    But if there's one thing I've learned here it's people can be nasty in one thread and nice in another. I try to just respond on what is being said at a particular moment and not relate it to the person behind the keyboard, if you know what I mean. I think it's best though if I don't read this particular thread anymore *sigh*
    Hi - just wanted to say that you do a very good job as moderator, and thank you for that! You guys have a tough job and probably not enough appreciation for what you do.
    HI Gisela - i wanted to ask you about your bedleh conversion to dress - what did you use to create the middle piece? Did you actually buy a body stocking or made it from something else?
    thanks for your post! maybe i can ask you to send me few picture of your dancing clothes???
    Nå, jamen det forklarer da en del - var bare ikke klar over det. Og ja - der er da en masse på programmet - håber at komme over til festivalen. Kommer Beate og Horacio med 'Talisman' showet? - det så jeg i England - meget godt, kan anbefales! :)
    Jamen tak for de pæne ord - og så må vi lige hilse ordentligt næste gang :) sådan er det jo - man kender jo egentlig en masse fra shows osv men har måske aldrig hilst. Ved du forresten om der er Powershow iår? Synes ikke jeg kan finde info hos ODU.
    Hej Gisela - tak for din hilsen :) det er jo lidt skægt at finde folk som man 'næsten kender' herinde :) jeg så dig og resten af Thuraya Troupe i Kolding i marts. Ved ikke om vi nogensinde har hilst men jeg var til Powershow sidste år.
    You're welcome, gisela, and thank you for your friendship, too. :) I didn't know you could do this until just recently; before, i hardly ever visited my own profile page. I didn't know there was so much neat stuff to do! ^^;;

    okay, I'm such a dork. :D
    Hello Gisela,
    Thank you for your warm welcome.
    You are from Denmark.
    I have met quite a lot of people from your side of the world whilst Scuba Diving throughout East Asia.
    You seem to have a sense of humour very much like ours.
    How long have you been dancing? What style do you prefer, and are there any styles more popular than others.
    Smiles to you from Down Under
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