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  • Ja, jeg er ganske forfærdelig!! O_O
    Jeg sidder og bakser med noget musik til min optræden den 9. april og det VIL BARE IKKE! Jeg er ved at blive towli! ARGH! Men hvad kan jeg store planer om koreografi og den slags luksus har jeg simpelthen været nødt til at droppe...og det startede ellers så godt og entusiastisk, men så drillede musikken...og det blev den bare ved med...har masser af fine stumper musik - tilsyneladende bare ikke nogle, der kan klippes sammen til en fornuftig længde og spændingskurve...har brugt såååå mange timer på det de sidste par uger! :(
    Og så sprang min bækkenskade jo pludselig op igen for et par uger siden! :(:(:(
    Så lige nu er insomni ikke mit største irritationsmoment, hehe...
    /rant ;)

    Hvad pusler du egentlig selv med så sent? :)
    Dearest Gisela, you're very welcome, and thank you!! We have found our true love!! One of my non-dance friends says I spend too much time with my 'significant other' :lol:. By the way, don't know if I said it before, but I just LOVE your beautiful picture!!!
    Thanks so much Gisela, you found it!! I never would have, new to this site and can't navigate very well yet!! I sent her a message, hopefully she'll have pity on a poor starving dancer!! You are beautiful by the way!! Thanks again, it means a lot to me.
    No need to apologize. It was my fault. I misunderstood your post. Thank you so much for clarifying it for me. Friends?


    Hi Gisela!
    Thanks for giving me rep for the depression thread. I always wish I'd known someone else who had lived well with depression - so I hope I can inspire other people to remember that depression is only one part of a person. The rest is the REAL person!
    Stunning! I was tempted to check the SAS schedule for the next flight to Denmark.;)
    I love this picture of you! You look so enraptured - lots of expression happening there!
    you could always take off the links that don't work and then add them again when they do. i like it though. not fussy, plenty of space, colours work well with the pictures. looks like a creative person's website which is what you want. re the contact details, have you thought about having a contact form rather than your email address - otherwise it might get picked up by a harvester thing and then you'll get spammed.
    Yes it must be really gratifying to have someone appreciate your work.
    You're right about the unprofessional, although I wouldn't have thought if of yours as it didn't look so unfinished to me. Looked pretty good. My husband is a graphic designer and one of his pet hates is websites that say they are under construction.
    I could only find some Gisela Graham character on google - a poor imitation ;)
    I will patiently wait... Or maybe google some more ;)
    Congrats on your sale! You must be really proud.
    Where did your website link go? I was going to check it out again but it's disappeared...
    No worries, I enjoyed it too. My husband kept wanting to use the computer (it's mine and he has his own upstairs), so I had to wrestle it off him every few mins!
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