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  • Hi again,
    Before you come to the UK, we can exchange emails and I will arrange to come over to Leeds (about an hour and a half from Liverpool) and introduce you to some dancing friends there.
    Leeds is perfect for dance! there is a great community there.
    My friend Houda teaches there also and she is just amazing.
    You will also be close to the JOY festival which you will love. There is plenty going on in Leeds... you will love the City too!
    Caroline - a quick question - I'm intending to come up to Leeds to do my masters in 2010 - what's the dance community like there? Is there one? or am i going to have to commute to another area for classes?
    Oh thanks Mya! it was taken at an event called 'Midnight Club' ar the Liverpool Arab Arts festival in July. It is not the most flattering photo but it was natural and not 'photoshopped'or anything.
    Hello Caroline
    Nice to meet u, new friend.
    I'm Prasit from Thailand. I love beelydance so much.
    and i practic eit myself. In Thailand, it is so rare.
    sorry I don't know if i replied correctly.
    I am being taught by Liz Jarrett in Hightown. Only been a couple of times but I am totally addicted and really want to work very hard to be as good as I can.
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