Silk Veil


New member
Can anyone recommend a good instructional DVD for veil work. I received a new silk veil for Christmas, but my instructor doesn't do much with veil so I would like to find a good DVD to practice with.

Also, any advice on using a silk veil? I'm having a problem with static, but I'm afraid to spray it with something like Static Guard for fear it will leave stains. It's a beautiful veil and I'm sure it will float beautifully if I can just get it to LET GO OF ME! :lol:
"Can anyone recommend a good instructional DVD for veil work. I received a new silk veil for Christmas, but my instructor doesn't do much with veil so I would like to find a good DVD to practice with"
I think Katia has anew video just for silk veils. You're so lucky to get one for Christmas!:cool: I love veil work but working with silk is sooo different for me. Her video is available from IAMED. If you get it before me, let me know how it turns out.


New member
"Can anyone recommend a good instructional DVD for veil work. I received a new silk veil for Christmas, but my instructor doesn't do much with veil so I would like to find a good DVD to practice with"
I think Katia has anew video just for silk veils. You're so lucky to get one for Christmas!:cool: I love veil work but working with silk is sooo different for me. Her video is available from IAMED. If you get it before me, let me know how it turns out.
I am also looking forward on comments about this "Smooth as Silk" DVD by Katia as I also got my first genuine A´Kai silks veil and am totally in love with it but also recognized that it is much more stubborn to dance with than the chiffon veil :lol: - probably I would purchase that DVD without hesitation as other DVD:s by Katia are wonderful but it is not yet available in many sources and price is too high even for excellent DVD :(

Also "Veil with Aziza" by IAMED is fine as a basic veil dance training but it is not specific for silk veil - like most of the other veil dance videos are neither


New member
To help with the static issue - gently rub the veil with a dryer sheet. In my experience, this will not damage the veil, and helps with the static problem.


New member
I want to clarify that the Veena and Neena Mistic Dance video features a chiffon veils, so, forget it if you have a Silk veil. Marie

Gia al Qamar

New member
I own more Akai veils that I can admit in a public forum where my husband might find out!!! :lol:
I think that you'll get wonderful use from the Aziza veil DVD!!! She shows wonderful technique from simple moves to more complex 'tricks'.
I found the BEST way to rid my new veils of static is to dance with em. I take them into the studio for a loooong sweaty workout...the natural oils from my skin make the veil soft and static chemicals...just me!


New member
Thanks for the responses. I had been looking at Aziza's DVD as well as one by Joynan, but the one from Katia that is specifically for silk veils sounds perfect (although it is a bit pricey). I just placed my order, will let you know how it is when it arrives.

Also, thanks for the tips on reducing the static. I'll definitely give them a try.