Need help on making a belt


New member
Hi! I am new to sewing and am trying to learn online, but can anyone tell me what this sentence is supposed to mean exactly, refering to making a belt for belly dancing:

"You will use this pattern to cut out heavy interfacing in several layers and felt to cover the interfacing." (

I can not find any resources about joining layers of interfacing... I assume it has to stay together to make a stiff 'fabric.' Do I just sew many many zigzags over the whole thing in different directions? Another website ( just says to use a layer of heavy canvas with the felt, plus buckram if we want it stiffer.

Has anyone made a belt using interfacing? What am I supposed to do with it? :confused: I already bought felt and heavy interfacing, but the interfacing seems awfully thin to me, for making a belt. Maybe I should just buy buckram and zigzag that; it looks a lot stiffer. Thanks ahead for any advice!!!


New member
You're on the right track. You take several layers of interfacing (I'm doing mine with 4 layers) and hand stitch or zigzag them together. You can mix and match several kinds of heavy interfacing, but don't make your belt extra-stiff.


I like to hand baste the layers together, not just around the edges, but in diagonal lines across the belt as well. That way the fabric doesn't shift. I also prefer to use heavy denim as part of my band base instead of all those layers of interfacing. You can buy it in white, and I just like the way it feels- heavy enough to hold its shape and support the weight of decoration, but not as stiff as interfacing.


New member
Hi Aliz
How stiff the belt needs to be depends on how much decoration is going to go on there, and what type (if you're going for glass beaded fringe in large amounts it needs to be very stiff to take the weight without distorting). Sounds like you are already using your intuition on this!

You can zigzag to join the layers, or you could do long lines of parallel stitching along the length of the belt. Doesn't matter as it's all going to be covered up with the felt. Take care with really stiff fabrics though - zigzag several layers together and you'll have a very stiff belt that really wants to stay flat. I think you get better results by hand stitching the layers first using random zigzaggy stitches starting at the middle and working outwards. This way you can incorporate a bit of curve. Once it is all together add your machine zigzaggings for strength.

For the ultimate tailored fit (for the obsessive perfectionist who doesn't mind pin marks on her hips), pin one layer on yourself (allowing room for skirt), then pin the next over in position. Take them off and stitch together, then put it on again and add the next layer. And so on. Then it builds up with your personal curve. The final result won't lie flat in a drawer so well but it can be really sturdy without looking like you've bent a piece of heavy cardboard round yourself.

Happy sewing and good luck!

A xxx

PS - the most important bit of the whole project is to make sure the basic pattern really fits you before you start (if you haven't done it already). I think Shira has good tips on this as does the Costume Goddess (links off Shira's site).


New member
Thanks for your help!

Hi all,
Thanks so much for your replies! I feel much better about starting sewing now, you've helped a lot!