Hi! I am new to sewing and am trying to learn online, but can anyone tell me what this sentence is supposed to mean exactly, refering to making a belt for belly dancing:
"You will use this pattern to cut out heavy interfacing in several layers and felt to cover the interfacing." (http://www.shira.net/cg/belt.htm)
I can not find any resources about joining layers of interfacing... I assume it has to stay together to make a stiff 'fabric.' Do I just sew many many zigzags over the whole thing in different directions? Another website (http://members.iinet.net.au/~damask/raqs/costumes/) just says to use a layer of heavy canvas with the felt, plus buckram if we want it stiffer.
Has anyone made a belt using interfacing? What am I supposed to do with it?
I already bought felt and heavy interfacing, but the interfacing seems awfully thin to me, for making a belt. Maybe I should just buy buckram and zigzag that; it looks a lot stiffer. Thanks ahead for any advice!!!
"You will use this pattern to cut out heavy interfacing in several layers and felt to cover the interfacing." (http://www.shira.net/cg/belt.htm)
I can not find any resources about joining layers of interfacing... I assume it has to stay together to make a stiff 'fabric.' Do I just sew many many zigzags over the whole thing in different directions? Another website (http://members.iinet.net.au/~damask/raqs/costumes/) just says to use a layer of heavy canvas with the felt, plus buckram if we want it stiffer.
Has anyone made a belt using interfacing? What am I supposed to do with it?