I am interested to know what you think of this costume. I love it so much.. (ps. i have it for sale on ebay at the moment and there are others in the market place thread)
Demelza xx
I love it - It looks "mod" with the abstract circle design, but classic in it's cut. Black and white are so classic and elegant -- and there is so much you can do with them - (match so well to silver, or gold....) a colorful veil would also be really nice (I like veils that really contrast w/ costume, rather than match but that's my wild streak...) --- Ludy
I like the color combination of silver and black, there is too much going on in too many places to suit me. It looks like someone wanted to use up the last of her sequined and beaded decals and just stuck them on wherever they would fit.
Oh, jeez, Demelza, I'm sorry, that wasn't very diplomatic, was it? A dozen head thumps to me, and well deserved they are. I did not intend to cast aspersions on anyone else's tastes; my own just tend toward something a little less exuberant. I am obviously in the minority here, so don't take my ill-worded comments too much to heart. Rachy did a much better job of saying approximately the same thing I meant.
Thump thump thump. The open mouth insert foot award for the day goes to...
Tee Hee Hee haa haa !! No problem what soever Shanazel - Thats what I wanted - your opinion ! If it was a best sunday dress for going to church I would propably hold the same opinion as yourself. But as a Cabaret Belly Dance Costume I have to love it ! xxx
YEEAY !! I SOLD IT !! and the lady who bought it was so lovely....look what she wrote, I wanna share it i'm so happy.....
Dear Demelza
i have just picked up the costume from the post office and i cannot get the smile of my face. it is the most stunning costume i have ever seen and to now own it is just fantastic. I have even called one of my dancing freinds up and told her she must come to my house NOW to see the costume as i cannot describe its beauty. I just want to say to you an extra big thank you and to let you know nothing that i will write in the feedback on ebay is enough to say how please i am. Regards Julia . Please let me know if you still have any of your items for sale especially the white costume. Once again big thank you
no, I think Moon thinks you are the one who bought the costume. Actually it was the lady called Julia.....and get this.............
I had more than 200 hits on that dress, and 'Julia' won the bid....Turns out, she lived in Dahab too (south sinai) and I know her ex !!! boy its a small world x