Fabric, notions, and sewing tips


"The Veiled Male"
I also have two toy chain stitch sewing machines from my childhood that work by turning a handle.
I would *LOVE* to get my hands on a "workable" chain stitch machine. They tend to either be industrials ($$$$$$), or toys (don't work too well). There were a few "regular" machines made that were chainstitchers - I'm looking for one that isn't an arm and a leg in price...




New member
My daughter has picked up some decent sewing machines etc when the local university got rid of some machines from the theatre dept or the fashion dept or whoever now does home ec.


Sure wish I'd been around twenty years ago when the community college art department sold all their floor looms. :(

Zorba, I have a small hand-held electric Singer chain stitch machine that I paid a whole $3 for at a second hand store just because it was cute. It works fine (still in the original box and packaging), but I don't use it. If you'd like to have it, PM me your mailing information and I will happily send it to you.


New member
What is basting? I'm not to good with sewing-terms in english ^^ Having a hard time keeping up with all the horsie-terms on my PNH-dvds ^^

I do hope this helps and that it translates well for you. Basting in this use means to sew a stitch that holds temporarily, so you can sew the finishing seam and then remove the basting. It simply holds fabric together for a little while.

Basting ALSO is a cooking term, where you apply a cooking liquid to food, usually meats. So, I can see where translation may be a problem. :D


Super Moderator
Basting is possibly the same as "tråckla", M'Lady Caija :) . Although, I'm not even very good at sewing terms in Swedish either.


"The Veiled Male"
Zorba, I have a small hand-held electric Singer chain stitch machine that I paid a whole $3 for at a second hand store just because it was cute. It works fine (still in the original box and packaging), but I don't use it. If you'd like to have it, PM me your mailing information and I will happily send it to you.
I'm all over it!

M'Lady Caija

New member
Thank you all for the translation! Now I get it ;) I learned at least 2 new things today! yay! (that's my motto, to learn at least one new thing a day ^^)


M'Lady, the next thing you need to learn (if you don't know it already) is how glad I am that you joined OD and what an asset you've already proved to be! :clap:

Zorba, your name is on the box and bound for the post office on Monday. Happy Unbirthday!