DVD for beginners- any recommandation?


New member
Hi everyone,

I am new here. :) I have been learning belly dance for last few months. I absolutely love it. I want to purchase a DVD that will enable me to practice at home, and to improve my techniques.

I did look around at amazon for reviews (amazon.com, not amazon.co.uk, as there are more reviews on amazon.com than on uk site for same products).

I was wondering if anyone can help me out with choosing a good dvd. Those following dvds has recieved good reviews.

Belly Dance Basics and Beyond: Technique for a Solid Foundation-Jenna

Learn Lavish Layers with Ansuya - Belly Dance Lesson

Sacred Bellydance- Jehan

Amira's Bellydance 101

I would appreciate if I can get some helps and pointers.

Many thanks in advance.


New member
I'm a beginner, but I really like Michelle Joyce's beginning DVD, but I also use it as a bit of a workout video. She also covers some pilates and general tips for making a workout out of belly dancing, as well as technique, in that DVD. But from the clips I've seen of her more solely-learning-to-dance DVDs, they seem good as well. :cool:


I highly recommend Belly Dance with Jrisi vol 1. All moves are covered from front & back views (you can choose which angle suits your learning style & watch the dvd from that angle. She's very clear with her instructions & pays a lot of attention to safety.

The warmup is pretty long, but a lot of fun.

She also has a lot of information (FAQ type stuff) that beginners often ask about, so that's another plus.

I also like Keti Sharif's 1001 Bellydance Moves. Although she covers the moves fairly quickly, she shows the moves from front, side & back & gives a little bit of information about the background of each move.

Those are the two DVDs I recommend my beginners.


New member
I try to recommend DVDs that my students can grow with -- Jenna's is very good; I also highly recommend Michelle Joyce's Drills Drills Drills. Parts of it will be beyond a beginner at first, but as your skills grow you'll be able to do more and more of it. Plus, the strengthening exercises on that DVD are fantastic!

I also recommend World Dance NY's Bellydance Rhythms Workout -- it has two levels (beginner and intermediate) plus a tutorial, and at first it will be very challenging, but you will grow into the intermediate flow (while the beginner flow remains a pretty good workout on its own). The bonus of this one is that you will also learn some of the main rhythms and get some experience feeling how they are danced.


New member
I would say Jenna's DVD would last you a while- like a real encyclopedia of bellydance moves. In general New York Dance DVD are a good value for money- a lot of material for a good price (IAMED DVDs tend to be pricey, for as much as I like Ansuya I'm not gonne fork out that price, rather get 2 DVDS from World dance or Michelle).

I would also get a drill DVD, I think Neon Blanca and Sarah's skinner one is not too bad, umf forgot what its called... one is ''love potion" and there was another one before that...

Michelle's DVDs are good, Drills Drills Drills even includes a section on zills.

If you are looking for coreo/ rythm introduction DVD I like Jenna's 'Hearth beat of Bellydance'...

I personally do not like Jehan, but I guess someone might disagree?

Best wishes and hugs,


New member
Hi everyone,

Many thanks for replying my post. I totally appreciate it.

I am bit worried, I live in UK, not so sure about NTSC format? This can be played by UK's standard laptop?

I think I will go for Jenna DVD, as it seems to be a good start for beginner. Drills Drills with Michelle Joyce sounds really good for practice.

Mosaic, thank you for mentioning the thread. I will have a look at it.

Reen, did you meant Luscious? What is the difference between Luscious and Love Potion? They seems to be very similiar. I think I would need to read the reviews for better understanding of what are the difference.

I will read more of it later.

I apologise for so many questions, but that is what this forum is for. ;)

Many thanks for your input, and if you have any more, please do post.
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Keti's 1001 Bellydance moves is open region.

Jrisi's dvd comes with print-outable notes.

I didn't see any subtitle options on either dvd, sorry.


New member
All my US DVDs play on my machine but I know this doesn't always happen with every machine. There is a good DVD produced by Galit Mersand here in the UK. It comes with 2 discs and original music CD.

Galit Mersand - DVD


New member
Many thanks for the reply. I appreciate it. With your help, I am confident that I will be to make a good choices. :)

Have a lovely weekend.

See you around sometime.