
Well-known member
Ours is simply closed until further notice. Given the volume of use, they'd have to hire extra librarians to provide curbside assistance.
They haven't as far as I know. A relative works there though and they say it's been insane as they fill the orders and sterilize every cover of every book that comes back. The boss didn't think it would be a big deal but as soon as the program was announced they were slammed with orders.


Well-known member
SO how are things going in your neighborhood?

Are you all right Ælfscine?

How is working from home Daimona?

Do you have a library yet Shanazel? And how is homeschooling going? Today is my son's last day.

Here they are cautiously opening some things up, including the library, but it's slow and our infection rate tripled over the weekend. Mind you, tripled for us is only 12 new cases and we're a metropolitan area, but there you go.

It's kinda funny, there was this awful reporter that came here a month ago (from LA) claiming we were being all irresponsible and totally lied and manipulated the footage for the story. It totally ticked us off. Only now, it warmed up and the weather became nice, and I'm looking around, and far too many people really are just ignoring the personal distancing and mask recommendations. I've been sick for the last week and the only way I could have caught it was when I was out shopping. I was wearing a mask but a lot of people aren't. Just think, if that reporter had waited a month they could have come and done their story and they wouldn't have had to lie.


Thank you for asking, Ariadne. I hope you get well soon.

Working from home, at least when writing up articles, reports and making presentations, are no problem. Lab work, on the other hand, is a bit more tricky. If necessary I could apply for some hours at the time at the lab or in my office, but I've had enough other things to do in the meantime and the IT department have been really helpful in setting up VPN and extra computers for connecting up remotely to get access to the necessary software.
And as society is gradually opening up we're actually allowed to get back to the office next week if we want to. Using public transportation is still out of the question, though.

We're also allowed to do single-day field work if alone or don't share transportation and keep the safety distance being maximum five persons. I had one day in the field with a new colleague April 30, and it was SO GOOD! You have no idea. Out of the home office, perfect weather, meeting new faces and having interesting discussions. ❤
We also sneaked out a few hours in the field before lunch one day last week (*shh*, don't tell my boss, I didn't ask for permission for the last one). Not that perfect conditions, but still lovely with new things to study and discuss and I was back for the scheduled online meeting after lunch. Already looking forward to the next full field days - just have to wait for the recent snow(!) to melt again at the localities we're going to visit. *sigh* Probably have to wait until June...


Hello, ladies. How nice to hear from you both. Ariadne, sorry to hear you are ill. Hope it is just a mild case and you'll soon be back on your feet. I hate to tell you how easy isolation is for me. I have not minded having a clear calendar, especially now that the weather is nice enough to spend time outside. I venture to the grocery store during Old People Shopping Time and wear a mask more out of courtesy that out of any belief it will keep me safe. Our governor has been a brick; I am sorta surprised by how much I like the guy, given that he is a successful politician. He's besieged on all sides by a highly opinionated population, but keeps on making carefully considered decisions and maintaining the best balance possible under the circumstances. More businesses are opening up this week. Though this is the second most populous county in the state, we haven't had the worst outbreaks of virus, knock on wood. Our poor neighbors on the Wind River Reservation have really gotten slammed, along with the associated county.

Nope, no library yet, and I do miss it terribly.

Who else is out lurking out there, and how are you doing?


You and those you work with our also in our prayers. Thank you for your hard work.

I'm back in Canada where I'm still doing lab work. I want to cry every time I process a positive COVID-19 result. I feel tired, exhausted, frustrated and more than a little angered at our government that seems to be sitting on its hands and not giving us the support we need. But thank you all for your kind words of support. It makes facing all the next days much easier. Stay safe and sound.



Well-known member
So my husband just got a job testing people for CoVid. Winter is here and so is flue season and numbers are shooting up (as is testing). Everyone stay safe out there.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
Numbers are way up here too; in fact, this second wave is even worse than the first wave, never mind a certain leader saying we've rounded the curve on COVID, when in fact, we are still deep in the trenches.


How people can look at current statistics and still believe covid-19 is a conspiracy to deprive people of their rights is beyond me.

This fall, my home county has had a tremendous surge in both cases and deaths. Lots of folks out there hollering, "You're not the boss of me" every time someone suggests masks are an appropriate precaution to take. A gal came into one of my classes last week for the sole purpose of making an issue of not wearing a mask though the college had sent out multiple notices to people re: masks are required, no exceptions. She had a "medical exemption" that looked like she typed it herself- no letterhead, no doctor's name, just one paragraph stating masks were hazardous to her health, one paragraph referencing the ADA, and a meaningless scrawl for a signature. We've had people come into the museum and do the same thing. Protocol is now: 1) ask them to mask or leave, 2) if they don't comply, call security to escort them from the premises.


"The Veiled Male"
Ok, I'm going to say this once, then that's it because I'm not interested in a heated debate - but since politics have reared their ugly head:

The masks don't do a DAMN THING. Its a "religious thing" promulgated by the Left. You might as well try to stop a swarm of mosquitos with a chain link fence. I wear a face veil, it does just as much, looks better, and I can breathe. Someone doesn't like that, too bad. If the "Mutaween" want to escort me from the premises, that's fine because that's exactly what it is: Religious policing. Now I have my share of problems with the Right and their religion as well, but this mask nonsense is just that: Nonsense.

Do your research, not listen to CNN or other "true believers". I have spoken.
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Zorba, I am a by training a biological scientist. I started down the road to becoming a professional scientist in 1967 when I took my first biology class. I do my research in peer-reviewed journals and put my faith in respected members of the scientific community, their research, and their personal observations of the current situation in their labs and hospitals and practices. The vast majority of these people, at least in my community, are conservative Republicans, and probably don't watch CNN, if that is the left side of biased reporting. (I don't have a TV and can never remember which is Fox and which is CNN.) I am glad you are only speaking once because what you are saying doesn't bear repeating.

Now we've both spoken and can let the matter go.


Well-known member
How people can look at current statistics and still believe covid-19 is a conspiracy to deprive people of their rights is beyond me.
Probably because people compiling the statistics aren’t getting honest reporting or are doing corrupted sampling and it’s getting out. I’m not saying CoVid as an epidemic is not happening myself, my area is in a surge, our hospitals are filling up and ICU is in overflow, that is not normal. But they are not helping their case when they decide that every case of respiratory distress, no matter the actual cause, is going to be reported as CoVid. (And yes, according to people I know who work there that was the decision from on high.) They don’t have to pad the numbers, it’s bad enough without it, and those of us who believe in taking precautions but are not blind to the manipulations wish they would cut it out.
This fall, my home county has had a tremendous surge in both cases and deaths.

Hubbys first day on the job and they were slammed with three times the number of tests then usual...

Not that it’s a surprise. CoVid (as I understand) is a type of flue and this IS flue season. The next little while is going to suck.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
I listen to the science, not the politicians. The scientists say a mask works as well as social distancing. People who call this a conspiracy are very narrow minded and ignorant. If this offends anyone, so be it, but since when do politicians know more than scientists and doctors about serious diseases? As many know, politicians are using a serious pandemic to promote their own agenda, while the numbers rise. They don't care about us so much as they care about their own party agenda. This weekend, the governor of my state was seen blending in closely with many other people to celebrate Biden's potential victory, while he is so strict with other businesses closing, and many of these businesses will probably lose everything. Both parties here are guilty of not following through on dealing with this pandemic. If anyone wants to go along with this conspiracy theory, all I can say is maybe I will see you around but there's a great possibility I won't because you will no longer be living.


Probably because people compiling the statistics aren’t getting honest reporting or are doing corrupted sampling and it’s getting out. I’m not saying CoVid as an epidemic is not happening myself, my area is in a surge, our hospitals are filling up and ICU is in overflow, that is not normal. But they are not helping their case when they decide that every case of respiratory distress, no matter the actual cause, is going to be reported as CoVid.

That's certainly counterproductive. Reporting here includes confirmed cases and suspected cases, with the confirmed cases out-numbering those suspected by several times.


Well-known member
It’s not a hoax but, like you said, politicians are using it for their own ends while simultaneously not following their own rules. Between that and the obviously inaccurate reporting in numbers people are getting either suspicious or fed up. Neither is very surprising. There will always be people who don’t believe for whatever reason but if they would be honest about what is happening I think the number of people would be a lot less.

Personally I’ve stopped listening to the “reporting” and am just paying attention to hospitalizations. Compare it to the average of past years and you have facts that can be believed. Unfortunately those facts aren’t good and I can’t help but think how much worse it would be without modern science both in medicine and our ability to communicate and do business at a distance. I’ve studied pandemics historically and this could be so much worse.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
It’s not a hoax but, like you said, politicians are using it for their own ends while simultaneously not following their own rules.

You got that right. Our governor here has been very strict and very hard on the restaurant industry, while last weekend he was seen celebrating in the streets over the presidential victory. He was wearing a mask but he was not social distancing plus he was supposed to be in quarantine since he was exposed to someone who had COVID. This isn't the first time he's done this either. Apparently, it was okay for HIM to break his own rules but the strictness he places on others will ultimately bankrupt them, but he's not giving any quarter at all.