Costume Dillema


New member
Im getting married in june 07 and I want to preform at the reception for my husband are there any specific kinds of bridal costumes or do I just wear whatever?


New member
Im afriad I don't know the answer to your question; but that sounds like an amazing idea!
And congrats on getting married ^_^
Congratulations!:D Weddings are a traditional venue for bellydancers, with a long tradition in the Middle East. Usually, the belly dancer is hired to provide entertainment and rarely does the bride perform because it's her day(and groom) to shine. Wedding receptions are attended by alots of family and friends, even though you want to do it for your new husband , remember other people will be in attendance. And like any venue it's important to understand their sensibilites in contrast with your desire to perform. Keeping in mind, that your wedding gown creates a certain image of a young woman embarking on a lifetime journey with her husband while a belly dancer costume can be considered enticing esp by conservative memers of the reception.
I know this sounds discouraging, but it is something to think about before you plan your big day. If you still desire to perform on your wedding day, maybe you can perform a short folkloric number, maybe inviting your friends/troupemates to dance with you, or better yet wait til the honeymoon and give your new husband a performance he won't forget:eek: