If anyone has instructions for a DIY coin hip scarf, please let me know. I'm looking to make a professional looking rectangular hip scarf for a friend's birthday, but I don't have a whole lot of money to do so.
I think the "normal" coin scarves are harder to make, as you need to crochet the bits the coins dangle off. If you're clever with a crochet hook, it shouldn't be too hard to copy a picture?
I've made a couple,just like my egyptian ones.(Colour was the desperation!) If you can crochet, Just crochet the pieces on, like any picture, as Gwinity says, but I like to sew on the coins,as just crocheting them in is harder, and they will fall off, sooner or later. Just use a bead thread colour the same as your crochet yarn.
Keep in mind that the cost of the coins may be more than the price of a nice new scarff! You need about 200 at least!