"The Veiled Male"
Our mutual friend would disagree, and say it was still too short. In a way, I agree. But I can buy the full "workshop package" here for $300 or more - and get a lousy 3-1/2 minute performance slot (the ONLY way to be able to perform, and I'm of an age where multiple workshops in one day don't work well for me). Or I can pay the same amount to fly to California, attend what workshops I want without obligation, and get 7 or even 8 minutes. Since I have a kazillion air miles, the airfare is free, making this plan even better! Like I told my teacher here, "3-1/2 minutes? I've let the music play almost that long before I even came out on stage!"
The real question is, do I want to set foot in that state again? I'm more than a bit confused on that point.
The real question is, do I want to set foot in that state again? I'm more than a bit confused on that point.