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  1. MissVega

    Jim Carrey does a Turkish Drop

    I'm a huge Jim Carrey fan and recently came across this skit with him and he does a "Turkish Drop". It is pretty hilarious. bBWkPRSE-W4
  2. MissVega

    A dance story, 5 years in the making...

    If you say the title in the "movie guy" voice it sounds more dramatic and hilarious lol... anyway So I came across a clip on youtube of my second performance ever, I'd seen it before but I recently came by it again. I don't have that clip on youtube myself because at the time our video recorder...
  3. MissVega

    Opinion on photo "issue"

    So as any dancer has experienced, when you perform there is always at least one person taking your photo, and most of the time (if you're anything like me at least lol) you cringe at the sight of most photos. But I recently was at a competition and got to compete in Champion of Champions (all...
  4. MissVega

    When in doubt, just sit down and forget about it lol....

    Haven't been around much lately because I've been busy! HI EVERYONE:) Just thought I would share this, because it is funny, wait for it around 2 minutes lol, you'll understand the title of the thread;) Children' the greatest prop ever and as moody and unpredictable as a silk veil lol. Hope...
  5. MissVega

    Amazing video, had to share:)

    While I have loved Kahina's dancing since I first saw it, she is still one of my fav top 3 dancers and favs to watch. This video has it all, beautiful dancing, great live music (the audio in the video could be better but that is nit picking), gorgeous costume, and such personality and energy...
  6. MissVega

    Cross your fingers for me please:) LOL

    While I've always tried to keep the attitude that if something is meant to be mine, it will find it's way to me it can't hurt to ask for some well wishes and good luck right lol. I just made an offer on a horse that the owner wants $2000, but my budget is $1500:confused: But I do send pictures...
  7. MissVega

    Finally, performing with a live band:)

    So while I have performed with a live band before and a live drummer a couple of times, I hadn't yet performed with a live arabic band. I did the Al Khaima workshop at Yasmina Ramzy's Arabesque in Toronto which was a 3 hour workshop on performing with live music taught by Yasmina Ramzy, Bassam...
  8. MissVega

    I need the opinion of the lovely forum members:)

    hello Everyone, So this weekend I am participating in a dance competition:) This will be my 5th competition (oh wow how time flies) lol however the costume debacle that occured at my first competition has left me a little gun shy (for those who don't know I wore my ivory , light yellow...
  9. MissVega

    Grrrr!! Need to rant!

    So I applied to perform at Ecofest Barrie as their website said they were looking for Interpretive and International dancers and got the reply "Hi there. I really appreciate you sending your information this way. Your energy and your love of what you do shines through. I don't think that we...
  10. MissVega

    Cover Girl!

    Okay, first off I am sorry for the shameless self promotion. LOL but at the same time, I'm still super excited! Sorry, can't help it! So some of you may have heard of Mid Bits, A Canadian Belly dance magazine/publication. Anyway after 12 years, the amazing woman behind it, Mayada, has decided...
  11. MissVega

    YAH! High Def Video!

    Alright I won't spam the forum anymore with my own videos after this lol, but my boyfriend just got a new camera that films in high definition and I danced at my 4th One World put on by the University that I went to. They invited me back:D Anyway I had two performances that evening, Caribbean...
  12. MissVega

    Drum Solo Performance

    Hello Everyone:) I hope that March is off to a good start for everyone. Just thought I would share this drum solo, okay and also show off my relatively new Hoda Zaki :D (I got it November 2010). This is from a Choreographers Ball back in December that I was invited to dance at. Was pretty...
  13. MissVega

    Laylat Hob - Happy Valentine's Day:D

    Hello everyone, Just thought I would share this one since Valentine's Day is approaching. This is my "Love-a-lot" (named after the care bear LOL) costume that is homemade.:) This was my second time dancing to the song. I injured myself pretty badly almost 3 weeks ago and wasn't able to...
  14. MissVega

    Zeina - Sadie and Samia Gamal

    So I thought I would share both of these clips because it is the same song, but different versions and two very different dancers, Sadie and Samia Gamal and I realized I really enjoyed them both. I loved Sadie's performance here and Samia's dress and sweetness and thought I would share. Sadie...
  15. MissVega

    My Mermaid Costume:)

    Okay! This was by far my most intense costuming idea yet lol. My grandma made the base for the skirt with chiffon and lycra and I then proceeded to sew on somewhere between 5000-6000 paillettes. And then of course the shell belt line and the bra. It took approx 20 hours for grams to make the...
  16. MissVega

    To airbrush or not to airbrush?

    Hey everyone! Happy new year and hope everyone is well. I haven't been able to get on here much lately:( I'm currently having a website made for dance (Yah! finally so exciting) and I had some photos done. The photographer was a professional winter sports photographer, with an impressive resume...
  17. MissVega

    Costume Malfunction.. Yah!

    LOL so I've almost fallen while performing. I've fallen while performing (twice.. YAH ME lol), and finally I had the "Costume malfunction". So I performed at a cancer awareness fundraiser last night and woke up yesterday morning to find that my newly finished mermaid fin/skirt had been...
  18. MissVega

    Dariya Mitskevich

    Just thought I would share a recent video of her, because she is a huge inspiration/dance hero for me lol plus I think this performance is just all kinds of super-mega-ultra-fantastic. YouTube - Daria Mitskevich. @ Gala show Primorye CUP '10. Oh one more, I LOVE this drum solo. She kicks...
  19. MissVega

    Bellydancer and singer

    So I'm not going to say much simply because the singer/dancer in the video is a mutual friend of dance friends of mine so to each their own. I have to say that it surprised me and isn't the direction I would go as a singer/dancer combination. But the video was going around on my facebook for a...
  20. MissVega

    Nesrin Topkapi

    Thought that is was some beautiful dancing and a overall wonderful performance so I figured I would share. I actually really enjoy the costume as well. It is more effective than you would think it would be. X8s2OT5D4w8?fs YouTube - NESR?N TOPKAPI - (79 YILBA?I)