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  • Hi again, nazanin, I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you. It almost sounds like if your family found out that you're trying to learn to bellydance, they would be very upset with you. Is this true? Would you have to choose between your family, and bellydance? :( I hope that's not the case. :(

    I'm not sure how I can help you, but there are some forum members here that would probably be better able to help you than I. Zorba and Tarik Sultan are professional male bellydancers. Their own bellydance journeys have not been easy, but they have earned the respect and admiration of the bellydance community. Perhaps if you send them a pm, they might be able to give you some good advice. :)

    Please keep in touch, nazanin. Remember, as long as you have friends and loved ones, you are never alone. :)
    hi nazanin,thank you,i was happy that you love to dance it very importent that you are doing what you love,to be good dancer you have to work hard,and you will be good in what you do. i was learning by my self too. and it made me get my own stile. you have to see more videos and it importent to see belly dancers live. belly dance its fillings,and if you fill ritm and melody you will soccide.
    happy new year for you and you family
    Hi, nazanin, how are you? First of all, I'm not a professional bellydancer, sweetheart, I'm a bellydance student who's only taken class for over a year, so I'm still learning, too. :) As far as whether you need to be skinny or fat for bellydance, I say that you need to be healthy and take care of your body, whether you dance or not. Just make sure you eat healthy foods that are good for you, and exercise regularly (bellydance will help you there). I don't know what your daily or weekly schedule is like, but fit as many practice sessions in a week as your schedule allows. And don't ever give up; if bellydance is something you love, don't let anyone say you can't do it. :)

    You're only a little older than my own son; he will be 25 next month. :) I would hate the thought of my son feeling lonely. :( Where is your family? Where's your mom? Do you live in a safe part of Iran? Does your famliy support your wish to bellydance? Having the love and encouragment of your family is so very important; I hope they love you with all their hearts.

    Please keep in touch with me, and let me know how you are. Let me know, too, how your bellydance progresses. Maybe you can keep a video blog of your practices, too; if you do, post them here on the board! :D Take good care, and write back soon. :)
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