You've got the first link right now, but there is still some code you need to sort out from the second link (i.e. the facebook link).
To make it work properly, remove the parts outside the url and \url brackets:
http: //www[ url] (remove "http://www.")
[ /url]http:// (remove "http://")
(I needed to put in a space between the brackets in order to make you see it.)
That is weird.. Here is an idea:
Click on the edit button on my previous visitor message and copy everything (codes included) in between [ i] and [ /i] and paste it into your signature.
Thank you Farasha for giving me rep on the topic of "hair color and gigs." I thought about it a lot before saying anything and considered not commenting, especially being pretty new here. I'm glad I did, because I wouldn't have been happy with myself if I didn't. Anyway, Thanks again.
I'm good, Farasha, thanks for asking. We were in Texas for a ten day bike trip; got home this morning about 3:00 am so I could be at my students' dance recital this evening. Had a great time riding the hill country. Maybe we'll make it to OK some time.
You deserve to be called a gentle butterfly and pretty Rose - even when you get mad about something, you are quite gentle in your "thorny" moments LOL! I think you have soft thorns, like a young rose has xx
Thanks for the rep! I have my moments of patience but I've worked with so many different type of people that I'm very used to seeing other possibilities for ways things are said or phrased.
Greetings again!
Thank you very much for the add request. You're officially my very first friend on this forum! LOL!
You seem like a very trusted and respected member of this board. I'm so lucky!!
Thanks again for the hearty welcome and I hope we'll get to cross paths on here often.
Take care!